
I used to have a 2nd or 3rd grade photo, one in 5th grade. In that grade, we had a substitute teacher, someone implied something about that teacher, everyone likes that substitute teacher. We even all together go to her house, a group of us.

 But she was just the substitute. If you ask me now…

You know, talking in between the 5th graders are teacher to kids… …she is like a big sister, tall, look decent, just like a teacher.

We have every grader different teacher, 4th grader or 3rd grader was a fat women.

3rd grader, I still report to the teacher on the back of the classroom what others did….

Those politics …people don’t like you to go tell the teacher of things you heard

We had lunch box 3rd grader …I swallow it, almost vomit it out first time eating lunch box from the school.

They translate? Yeah?

I did a lot of things in my life, if I say things to you clearly, you should just listen it well, truly. Don’t argue with me.

Babaji: right 

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