
⭐️⭐️⭐️ You know why some people interests in life (leap, flip, bounce), Tony cannot see, just like you, if I give them all like you all girls a sum of big money, you will keep home clean to read novels ?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I start to wonder that UB 105 classroom why I have my photo that big cart out looking ?

You all will live that life?

5 Lords I know them somewhat, either that way, or this way UB… …do you care they exist, and with all the boys band I say 90s? Westlife, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degree, not just NSYNC?

Most guys are not Tony.

Like interest to live life like 

BBQ in the woods

Collecting fire woods + newspaper

Printing paper from the printer

Go to a real print shop to print poster for farmers market

Listening to TV, news, SMTV

Built Tent

Clean up the yard or snow

Call ETR where is the invitation letter, not Simon argumentive girls talk ?


Yell at 430 or Victoria Secrets 

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