
Do you know how 嫩筍 (song ) comes to your dinner plate? Do you know how to acquire the first morning dew in the sunshine on leaves ? 你們知道春筍是融合在你們晚餐上呢?你們會怎麼知道在第一滴露水在太陽照耀在葉子上

 Long long long time ago …很久很久很久以前 ….

Do you know that Bamboo has so many roots sprouts sprouts sprout everywhere bamboo youth?

Like the Tree of Life

Or a Tree, a very old tree, do you know vascular plant drawing water from the root, how that Amazon forest comes to into that eco-system of higher pine tree tall size, to small bush, to fungus? It’s wet inside that eco-system, where today sciences extracts mushroom, or plants from within on medicine? Ever heard tale?

Tell me



Do you want to be a doctor ?🤒

How helping people in acquiring the worldly medicine makes you feel excitement like Steve Jobs meant - love what you do, you will continue in each and every terms as a doctor walking outside palace among all walk of China map domain 雲遊四海、救濟滄海眾生,after judgement day? Me Anna never return Time back to Ancient China that Time Line?

Where are you going 

Mathrew, where are you going ?

Babaji: me here.

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