
No, I was looking at Apple Words Gift I him behind political spirituality public reaction very negative to force others to buy me stuffs ? No, I don’t look at MD… this is not the first round we arrive here and to be honest, they heard so far, what they expect you to become by that much of high tuition yo be paid by somebody, you waste your one life time for money is on records with bullet points lists of all he’ll break lose terms & condition.

 I go to sleep…

Simon you all cared, not your MD transcript, you reading him news? What do they say?

It says Simon is getting very old, by he is 70, if he train Ola MD like I Anna Talent to, it’s years he wish someone will talk to him, he cares the most is someone soft like Ola not to drop him, when you get old that, friends starts to die, his son becomes insurance sign in elderly home…that time is not NOW.

Babaji: right 

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