
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yesterday, that’s a wall, you all remember what you promised: lead them, guide them, by my face ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


You know … many things are not as real as you think.


Many will tell you religion doctrines, many will kidnapping all you saying for money.

And many, no matter what you taught them, they never learn.

Sometimes, it’s not all it seems to you at the furthest horizon.

Sometimes you will see the reasons.

Sometimes you will never find out

And sometimes it just how it will always function like that.

All you ever see, was the given you the 3 laws.

You must ask the right questions.

All you ever care was really just like that.

All you ever said was all matter to God just like someone did matter in my arm, but …he never was like he promised.

All you ever want on stage was a clap, 

And all you ever want was a TED

And it’s true

All you ever want is a heart wrecking story that you will tear, all the times, never cease tears how arrogance the world meant God has mercy on them, just like they all did before me.

Babaji: right 

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