
Keanu Reeves, your mail, what ? Taiwanese women and you imposters ? I thought you have a lot of you to …encourage fan and make them do things ? Not that ?

 Bitcoin …

You know, I live in a world seeing things be done this that way, this is very bad I live like this. Feeling very very awful. I know who that is, it’s on the news.

If you do the same equal service to the humanity, truly and that in turns others give back, to be honest, I meant a lot of things myself …if one day I write one by one from this Bible says.

No I don’t know. Most people just lived … lazy, if the world becomes utopia, they will what? Leap, bounce, flip?

Soaking in PC second Life?




Reading books?

Eat at fine dining, I will try every 101…but a hygiene vender south Taiwan ?

There are gaming center, but night market where steals ?

Am I really going to be that person writing ?

No, it’s all American. I have no ideas how they raise their own standard want to do things actively, it’s by nature or it’s by training …it’s not really like that feel. They did something they are like that.

I cannot possibly write all the souls?

That’s really gonna be I sit at gate door me looking, you pass by?

I can just tell you now, you will not be like now.

You should just do all your best be happy, make social, make others happy all the time and then do your best to educate the world, or to write or something for the future that you feel it’s 1000%.

I just gonna tell you that, it’s all American. 

Babaji: right 

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