
You called Babaji all the time because ??

You understand me and him are married just like the TV says with the Chinese but American cannot read Chinese?

Or the revelation has two women in the chapter, you doubt that my words cannot possibly be what God intended to do? To marry me off to Babaji?

You called a deathless guru like Babaji, a God now? The Throne?

Western world believes One God, you want to broadcast to their entire Jewish community included Eben, that One God theory from their Bible is not Yehweh like my name (Jao Wei) but only Babaji is the only God?

Babaji is One God like God speaks in the Bible?

Or you intend to throw all your junks and disastrous garbage to Babaji? Like you proclaim you are god sin to make money to live a financial freedom life like a street gangster would do, telling lies all over the television in order to make money, but Babaji has to and must get your sin?

Who told you that?

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