
建華,知道漏斗怎麼用嗎? ( how to use a funnel)

  你看過電影🎬?Avemger Endgame 有個人叫做 Thanos

聽起來像 funnel 漏斗,我剛剛畫出來的東西,時間才開始

不是 funeral, 是 funnel

你知道什麼是 endgame ? 在西洋棋有開場祺,中間祺,以及最後尾巴祺,叫做 endgame

When we talk about the end time, we say impossible she gonna eat. 

There is a word infinite by drawing 

Time, many times, half a time.

So there I draw infinite Greek sign and by flipping it, then time starts, that instrument is called “funnel” sounds like Avemger End game character, Thano.

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