

 Hi Simon,

I have to talk about it. You know there was an AC contracts with the Westinghouse between Tesla and you  in the last century? Did you check if you knew how the comets came to on Tesla paper 1908 (The first sentence of the first paragraph) and got explode on Russian land? I am sure you are aware the technology to use to shooting down the comet is by a construction of a tower. Wardenclyffe Tower. And the funding and the building date was 1901 around but the actual comet time was 1908.

NSYNC Madison square concert explained how the comet being shot down.

I woke up this morning and they drop an iconic keyboards words on mine ipad. Like we talked about it? One million dollar in 1900. At least documenting on the book. We had another comet in Ison 2013 just before you and me see each other on AGT.

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