
How smooth you doing this website? 建華,如何輕鬆的做網頁

 Let me telling you a secret lady ...I used to explain this to them behind about you and your people be put on the stage to do a climate change talk like you instruct them.

They prepare a 5 minutes talk to say it on the microphone.

Or now, you look at me so easily just pick up a blog and start to type and response. 

If you review enough people, you will find out most people are way too stressful to verbalize a word out either through the microphone, camera, or a blog. You are reading for free lady with me, no efforts you requires to do anything, you always get a feedback. You take it for granted anyone could just do that.

When people do an answering, they need to draft!! You don’t get any complain from me like how you stress me out with the entire entertainment in the USA is airing your craps and grades. Most people to write out a blog like Live response, it will be huge loads stress on them, not including all the photo I taken unlimited photo, and writing unlimited words to lecturing you. Do you understand a normal human don’t do what I do, it’s way too smooth on my part and easy for 194 country to set a military unit chase this blog would be enough, and you? What can that possible be meaning ? It’s way too smooth and way to easy for others? I can do that, does not mean everyone can do that, period. You will kill them.

建華,你覺得你每天看我講一樣的東西,寫寫寫寫寫,如果你去找其他人做這種事情,他們是需要時間思考,跟打草稿,我說她根本就是在占我便宜,如果她去做審核她自己的徒弟叫他們,去吐幾篇天氣氣候,從麥克風還是寫微博像 Google blogger,他們一定會說他們的壓力真的太大了,她根本就已經把我用習慣,你知道我在說什麼嗎?還不要講我貼什麼樣的照片?你覺得所有人做起來很容易嗎?打字打打打打打,照片照照照照照, 194 個國家可以就追在我的 blog 上面,非常簡單聽見看見知道我在講個什麼,如果換作其他人,你乾脆殺了他們。

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