
Auspicious location for the World Leaders

 You have a video on that title. Auspicious location for the World Leader.

Do you want to know how to re-write this, to sound like King of the King has many military power?

king of the king sleeping sound in his palace getting a written letter, not telepathy message, it’s a written ugly hand writing letters. While the guards ask the King of the King where he got these letters from, he replies she was taught by the street people outside with the mundane alphabetical language. The guards say, “something written about you, my Lord?”

“That’s where she got her information now.”

Each day the King of the King seeing you going out coming back home wanting to re-positioning his troops and the military. You always ended up a big fight and a warning and slam the door went outside. 

Each day King of King weary down, from her eye sight, he knows she is not coming back. She loves the street culture tattoo, singing and dancing life that enchanted her.

The end.

Simon has a son, and he has a lot of money. He knows you have a lot of money now and at least not to mingle with the street gangsters to pick up their culture again. Does he know his son gonna be in the teens years?

You say you don’t do that.

I say you have a tendency to do that. Conquered and divided people by their sides. You want to re-locate my entire world military before I was even aware of. You didn’t tell me in my face, you went to the TV to let me know and directly bossing at them, to cover another big lies of yours, you let the flood comes in. You assume they know the flood and without them telling me about it - the mess you created for how many years ?

Do you know why these stories I write like that? Because it’s a live circumstance happening right now.

If it’s I written this, I will have a record. And the military will have a more fabricate story they better than me positioning themselves the whole wide world.

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