
Tell me, why Eben is important?

 Why Paganism is important ? That England Church and State are separate?

It’s for the illiterate people not to have only blind faith. 

By going to a Eben class like Harvard logical class, you practice your mind to discern what’s fire and what’s Water.

You don’t see Eben is important like I see, do you?

Then tell me, when you hear Eben talks, once, twice, do you like about this guy? Or the more you listen to him, you knew you gonna love this guy? I am the judge, so you answer my question.

You do not understand his subjects and no one in this world will force you to understand his experty so you wouldn’t possibly fall in love with Eben. Am I correct?

Then tell me...do you think India purposely set up an Eben with their girl Lalla besides to test you? Because you know if you failed the test, India gonna do what? Kick you out? You are already out, by stealing and gaining your freedom to be free, financial freedom. You pray you hope you wish I would be blind or Babaji would be blind to define you as a street girl who just cannot stop learning how to curses God methods but in front, you pretend to be a submissive disciple whom like a monkey proclaim its own throne? You want to tell the Chinese, that’s how you proclaim you are God because you knew they have a mythology ?

You are deceiving people on the television broadcasting to the entire Universe. To gain a freedom, your financial freedom.

Define a freedom word to me, say it loud? You can buy unlimited clothing and eat any kind of delicacy  and play as much as the games on the TV to deceiving more people to give you more and more and more money. Say it.

Tell me, between those words, you choose India or your money ? You could just follow the India master like a puppy back in time. You now open a brand new name of the methods called Quan Yin methods and decides after you gaining the finance freedom, your best choice is to start to find an India Master to release from your financial freedom you enjoying it everyday ?

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