

 Probably he meant 100 or +

Don’t know how it becomes a multiplication sign. 

他常常想討論這種事,我當然不同意呀!He is open to talk about it. 

哪壺不提提哪壺。😨 There are some people like Eben they are existing ...they are dating Guru.

Babaji is omnipresent or 萬能 guru.

How is Yogananda’s English? I have doubts he watches TV to learn English. After he actually becomes fluent in English, he learns about Drama fighting to get the heart up and down for some people. But he is a Swami, he cannot watch TV! I have no idea where India meant or Babaji was saying at all.

You have to first learn English! And very well in listening ! The English listening. 

First is the pride, how is his God decides to glue to a blonde like me? He cannot understand anything I said in the schooling subjects!

Second, how is that his God decides to fight about on the TV to let the whole world imagine what’s not the Swami Order meant...

Third, why he is his God that rejects him if he is a women...what did he do wrong ???

Of course I cannot understand why he is not here but his God or the Chinese has he made into the TV drama, now I HAVE to talk about Yogananda. 

Speaking English meant a word by a word writing it down.

Also his God would prefer him counting math in English and does that in front of the whole congregation!

Of course I am annoying to A LOT a lot of people including him, the problem is his God don’t think that’s annoying to know what you are counting things for!!

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