

 Area 51=ET lives

2=spit ? 你跟ET 有什麼過結,你🤮吐口水?

Or me and your father are both ET?

Is Miguel coco movie, he is a ET too? No? Eben is not ET?

You don’t like Eben in that movie? Why? He is a child?

Did you ever look at what he does? In real life? He does seminar.

He has to face what kind of clients unlike yours free offering customers? They willing to buy all by their good will. You gonna say you work hard to design, are you?

Taiwan Italian upper scale women design clothing store has a logo looks like your loving hut...I check they come out late than you are...is there a reason Loranzo does that for? You like upper scale women clothing ?

Red red red red red red red.....

Shred paper shred shred shred shred shred .....

They want to sell you something ? Oh, they surely know how to sell to my vast sky views when I try to breath away from all these garbage and ambush on WiFi!


🌟🌪🌪🌪 I stuck

Bible Jobs


2018 Then Elihu

2019 Then Elihu

2020 Elihu

2021 At this my heart pound and leaps from its

I read it. Just that 37 and I sent Eben an email so it’s his heart jump and leaps, okay? Ma’am Ching Hai?

I said I didn’t understand what he was saying, but I cannot watch him and Lalla’s video (wedding) because the magazine has a Indian girl turns black and white, and he in coco movie stain water all over.

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