
Keanu has a lot of interviews done to speak in public

 Because he is the One for the movie purpose. He actually done a lot of interviews and public talks. He says he reads a lot of books.

I didn't read a book after the school finished, really.....I turn onto the internet reading and the listening the online stream TV or online seminar in my English learning curves. By listening. 

When you say someone gone to a spiritual practice ....because I didn't really have someone on top of me all the time, my learning curves were less and less to do with a book frames in my hands. 

This part, someone may know what I am saying.


You have a book knowledge but later when you go on the martial Art like the Chinese Ancient, you are less bounded by the "reading alphabet words" but more and more in intuitive sense to wave the swords in your hands, if that is how to describe it.

I gear away the book, because I just don't like them, anymore. But occasionally I read BEAS magazine hard binding books, just few words here and there, or like Eben's video. I listen to him, a very short clip, and make sure I deliver what he said. I craft a bullet list of what he said I can be doing that day, and I make sure, I make it that teaching. 

So the learning curves, what I am trying to say was how that matched to the spiritual practice. There is no telepathy, there is no vision, you just solitude work out yourself inside and outside, by mechanism meditation. No particular reason doing that, I just doing it that way.

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