
So when we go back to Britney "Hold it Against Me"

 So if we go back to the Britney's video, "Hold it Against Me", the Red and the Blue.

That is a real fight between them. They are boys. The Sangha made of boys that as a group. Tell me what do I think that looks like that?

Millitary guys are being trained to have discipline ....why don't they asking me that, what do I think Babaji meant, the training, is to be less than the millitary? so the millitary guys generally look more handsome?

These photo frames things, normally, a renunciation person don't care about it, but what if there is people who cares about it? 

Normally I don't think that matter, what made of your inside matter! But Babaji photo has a make-up on !! So there is something going on!! 

Okay, what I can tell you was ....I was being let go there doing whatever I want to do with the spiritual practice. Ma'am Ching Hai, just let it be....so I was free doing what I want to get things done for myself. I had a Chinese early childhood TV influence, what the spirituality meants. I seen the monks, and talks, of few Chinese simple words, and "din!" Be Still in the meditation. Just a small saying.

Does Babaji meant the Chinese Words Slowly progression makes Hasty? 淺移默化? 循序漸進?

If you don't discipline people, people don't just grow on them own. You want to say, discipline Yogananda daily, every minute on top of him? That is not how I was learning my journeys these decades of a spiritual practices. You need to say that to the monks, whom have experience in Chinese religion, Chinese Ancient drama, my words saying here and there, and Westerners psychology, "Slow progression makes it hasty". 

For that, I cannot understand what to do with Yogananda.

Free wandering? or you guys have to be on top of him, all the time?

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