
Is Nick police?

 The FOX? He was a TTC driver. He used to deal with them at the border. If he watched the movie itself, he will know why that uniform is indeed on a bunny, not on him. She says she is a Tiger but the movies says she is a bunny. And worse, there is blue berry. His grandson likes blueberry. 

I said Hitler used to have a buddy guard killed Tesla, and he confess when he was 90 something. Now that Dimitri is tuttering ....it’s a suicide item on the hunger game. If ask Nick himself who is the police ? He is the partner of a bunny that wears uniform. That sailor moon Usagi is a bunny head on cartoon logo sales those photo made. Crying ? So there are bunny heads stands up. Just sit there crying, the partner of the bunny will show up the police uniform? Listen that to himself !

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