
😂 WHAtS lying ?

 Words are precepts of its own. Are we clear on that?

You like the camera, there is nothing wrong.

You enjoying to create, there is nothing wrong.

By the words counts, you don’t make it anything. 

(I didn’t write that capital first word, it just did.)

摩嚴 says you are a spy 奸細, in Chinese or in English it’s a different term. You like codes?

Do you like or do you want others to think you are smart? That’s a very simple question. 

Teenage wants that.

If I am an industrialist, do I need that? I get my job done, that’s it. It’s a responsibility, not a joke to be who you are and present that in front of the public or the entire universe. 

You don’t have other ways to say it ... is that by products of how you turn on the facet ? Then, it’s a by products effects you cannot practice right. There is no efforts made, that’s it.  

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