
😯 How did I get back in your group at 2005

 I was reading Bible at that time, New Testament. Then one day, I had a dream, you are in it. The gift piling up to the ceiling while I stand next by you, on the right side, you were sitting down, dark hair, short, white robes.

So I went to Fanny to ask where are you, and she sent me a few links where you had video on. You don't have that many resource at that time, not as organize as you did later on a year or two after that. 

Then that was one more year to go with the school, to graduate, so I wait for a year, before there is an initiation. That's about it. 

I met Sherry (Buffalo) and Debra (Rochester) but I am not close to them. I don't think our practices are that similar belief. I didn't really hang out with them, that is more precise to say.

Later Anan shows up, so I just hanging around him, and figure it out what to do with life. The internet was blooming ! I start to make a website.

Frontpage I start to learn position in the navigation and header, and pages elements.

Then I learn photoshop, joomla, sitesell later on to evolve to Google keyword search and more software using. Other developed the software, and I am learning to use it. That is when the Internet Marketing that Anan knows about them, how I start to know some of their names on the market. I don't really believe those methodology ...because there is part of scam in it idea. If truly looking deeply those frameworks. They target at people with less Internet skill, that demographic niche might change after more generation pass on. At least that is from what I observe the new generation might not like the older people to spend money. So my targeting idea in my niche was very few...because the age bracket is relatively younger, like the college students. They don't have money! You might have seen the video. Then one day, India from Harvard University step in. They had all subjects tutoring, that was when I decide to continue or to close down. So when I was developing the RNA/DNA map, I give up that niches in Organic Chemistry. Its a very small niche I think. Yeah, I close down the whole operation, the website, the video channels.

How do I feel? (Babaji asked)

... ... I just did what I feel was right to do. Not particularly feeling....feeling tired, not much results coming it. There is a saying on everyone's table, you need about 5% turn over rate...it was not like that to see the statistic, I had only one page got index more on the Google Search Engine. I was telling what happened with the students making a 868% percent error in her lab results. That is what got index on Google Search Engine? Did I ask myself what was that 868% percent error got to do with the index algorithm?

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