
You all film yourself ...

 Do I want to ask how one day you all finally made it on the video? Side by side next to me? To your friends ! Ready to shown to any big name people at all? Shamelessly? How to look? What? Not to care about Wallace? Do you actually want him to feel you care for him or not? You cannot half half your heart shows up on the video. 

How do I think Wallace look at my video? 我覺得你建華覺得我的影片怎麼樣?

I didn’t have time to even think of that. Not really, 我其實沒有時間去想過那個問題

I used to tell him, I cannot tell Asian people’s face so he might thought I don’t know who I am talking to that time. 我說喔之前跟你建華說我看不出亞洲人,所以他可能想我不知道我在跟誰說話那時候

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