
22 I applied for initiation, you wait til I graduate the school after my birthday 23

 I think it was fine after I graduate the school and then got initiated. 

You know I gonna ask you questions?

Legally blonde you have a legal case.

Harry Potter pink you see, you decide to teach. The subject you chooses are Climate Change.

If you knew you flood the entire world, you never try to stop it? Isn’t that the most immediate things? But you spread Gifts all around !

Oh you got a mail with a happy ending? You actually believe the movies? Your judgement and the lack of being responsible, it’s very unbelievable. You are not sure I was on the Apple’s monitor? You used to have a Tesla show. Or like you say in OU, that’s how far you know iMac? 

No, it’s details I want to know ... it’s the horror movies? Sleepless Seattle ? Or you read something you figure it out you have to teach? If they ask me 22 about the climate change, it would be the same things they hear it now. It just waited !

You have to open the jail from Harry Potter to the Legally Blonde. I c ... ... 

TV is about the positive news ?? And the education materials for the chosen One, the boy ! If you open the jail, goes to the Congress, then you can get a Wedding in the end? The task was ending the dog cruelty on cosmetic ...you went about the Livestock industry. You check my years in horoscope with the death dates...that’s the dog? You could ignore all the water crisis to even imagine a wedding ?

You think it’s with the Beast ! Are you sure? Hope, praying ?

You didn’t know how to decode the movies! You meant to say you just wish to watch the movies how you wanted it?

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