
You have a heartache with Lalla💔

 You actually feel the heart ache?

No, I don’t understand, correct. You have about many reasons to dislike about EVERYONE. You don’t see people in their goodness? Did you say you reading Haidakhan Babaji, we used to read the exactly same things.

You have a feeling towards? Actually feeling to or I have to check if you mean one thing for another? 

So ...for 2 years you must hear me saying your original master 500 years old. You finally realize I didn’t know you had a no master. What did you decide to do that time? Because the COVID 19 break lose ... telling Lalla or Eben I don’t know? I saw you had a false wrong vision with the Trump, I stop meditating. How can you be that careless to have one word might be wrong ? You mean the Heaven says one thing, but you pick their side and Trump lost? I heard you say similar thing before. I know this asking instruction with painting 3 or 9 o’clock, or making back and front, let’s see it’s turning right or turning left to get an instruction ! For that 2014/2015, this inner vision don’t go away! It’s a guessing ! You guess so you put a word on the public channel. You know you better be telling me or you just happening telling me about it? You have to put your liking or disliking away, but focus to work like you should?

So you do put your feeling aside like your age says 70/71? I don’t know. You are so used telling lies, I don’t know you know what’s important at the present. 

Of course this is important ! You gamble an OU language with or without me!

Here, Lalla is on the Title, Eben gonna hear about this.


So you are having feeling if it’s in front of people ?

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