
Dr Steven Hairfield and you in Pirates of Caribbean

 The black beards? And the spanio speaking lady.

He ... I don’t really know him to look like that. He is a humorous person how he was on his show like Mark Twin used to ...he went to Tesla lab. No, this time I didn’t show him Simon sees stuffs. Simon sees on a camera anyway, that’s not very accurate. If I heard where he went to his school, he might know clearly what were you doing. Because he was at the war before. (At Vietnam).

So Frozen says the best friends, or should not talk to a stranger ...

Pirates of Caribbean 4 - the stranger tide

I see. He may not care about his face that much ...and that’s you?

Today is Saturday, I can watch that ! If you buy the actual DVD box, they got trailers before for red hair, cars,(Tokyo)... ...

Barbossa has a leg issue, in the real reality, that’s Anan’s gout, for real. Painful for him.

When he and her falls in the water, he Jack took out his one boot and dump the water ...staining water issues.

Sheep and Shepard translation is 嘍囉

Young him said “long shot”? What’s a long shot? 還很遠的意思?救贖他的靈魂的意思

NSYNC has other things, I heard Long shot ...

Barbossa traced the mermaid ...one ship gone

they transfer the mermaid 

I don’t want to watch anymore. Barbossa was talking about one road ahead. There was a mirror reflection on the high tower.

Edison time how he started the movies business... I used to read, they don’t pay, so he lives in NJ, but many movies to CA Hollywood he cannot reach to get his money. 

Camera too probably ...I don’t know much about it.

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