

 That’s the eye problem has becoming a scarf on you every time you see it or hear it? Anyone asked you what’s wrong with your eyes?

They have a description on the eyes. It’s blazing something fire? You read a different Bible than others do?

You find out we are not just a little different? I didn’t complain to Spirituals desk you wrote a magazine article on my birthday ? How was I feel? Nothing. In fact I was happy about it. It’s very paradoxically to tell you because ....it’s none sense what you are doing to covers layers lies to another layers. You hurting everyone’s heart, do you owe them a proper apology? You don’t think about it. You make sure everyone goes down with you together because that’s what the flood really mean, as long as I don’t look, you do everything you want it! 

So, how was life, all those years? You want to make it hear you OU at it. You stay on the stage for a whole year ... ... side by side meant anything to you? You feel red face so you bow to the One? Or? You carefully craft a dog story with 250 numbers in. Human don’t deal with you, that Angel you will know clearly what’s the Bible meant exactly it says. 

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