
No no no no no no....not a V 盤古撐天,三生三世十里桃花


No no no no no no....that’s not the actually V story I used to talk about.

The 盤古撐天比較像這樣

V is more like I say to you TEsla went to search an evil tendency for the offsprings. He wish in his evolution down in a time, there will be a turn to ended that goodness tendency whatever he got that belief. I actually don’t know where he concludes that. 

If the evil is more deattached ? I did explain that. Probably. You don’t have to do the bad things to be internally evil inclined. But that is not really a word to say it 邪惡 

Most time that Chinese word meant cold blood, but you can just be cold or indifferent towards things. Not passionate or filled all kinds emotion. Okay 冷血 ...this is cold blood. Not 邪惡. I don’t know how to translate that. 

There is from the Earth crust up to the sky (diagram up)

There is a US line from Japan to South - Philippine 

That’s completely two different diagrams.

It’s not like the TV... No! I know that.

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