
You know the difference between Prince William, Simon and Eben?


I assume you know they are different or you just 豎起 your ears and hear about it?

That’s not a lecture !

What kind of my personality these photo makes me to become on these rubbish papers ...

Prince William is a crown prince, in other words, he will become a King one day, and his wife will become the Queen. He has a duty to his citizen and so the public activity is always on going. He may participate the England Congress, to know how the law is being made. Someone will explain that to him. He does not really need to get involved in the politics, because their church being separate from the states affairs were known century ago.

His brother, well, now they are talking about they are leaving the England to be independent. In fact their father has enough money to raise both of them. England Queen has a lot of property that collects rents and tax from the British people. His brother probably can be more free doing whatever he wants.

Simon, he is a businessman. He has a wealthy family started young, and he raised to stand in the entertainment world that every household knows he is a judge that speaks ruthlessly. He started in England and then expand that business to America, but that franchise was world wide. Every country has adopt that version of his idea or from his company. He is from Syco, but under Sony. Many China wealthy family also have their daughters in the entertainment worlds. It’s actually on the news here, 富二代 they are just singers and dancers. Simon is an executive, meaning he particulates behind the shows, he has to go to the meeting or hearing the demo, if they find a singer to be under Syco like Sustain Boyle. He has to be on the media all the time, because there is a publicity to do with his shows and his company and his groups. He has a lot of groups.

Eben, that Richard Brandon was on interview by Eben, someone said he is a Jewish. So if he does not have the business he has, he might still be okay. He is saying he does selling books very well. He has a whole office people working for him, so he may not need to write these newsletter by himself. They film it, you can see them on line. Eben is also a businessman but also he is a public speaker. They do seminar, and selling online those accelerate programs to all kinds of audience. What? He solicited people?

Sigh ....I just comment on it a bit. He and many others in that field, no they are not the dating business ...the creating program business. They can sell virtually these information to anyone, they might be the tools like the softwares or just his lectures explaining things to you. He has a set-up room for filming he shows you. Technically he can travel around to do his seminar. I am not actually knowing that. ETR is.

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