
Modern technology

 Modern technology is coming from the West.

You mean Europe? 

No. I mean the general terms. It’s not like the TV. If China become transparent ...there is thing I remember what’s transparent. You don’t remember things too well, do you? I am by the way to ask you. You are growing very old, at this stage, I have no idea what makes you have the heart to even think anything different while you are so in comfortable living. 

No, I don’t believe your judgement. These reviews are one things, written by humans. ET whatever ...

If you actually reading these, and thinking to go try out hunger game, first I gonna tell you, you are living in a fake life. You are not arriving here today by your head clear on things that you want to make it. People can assist you but not did everything for you! 

You have to do it ... by being reinforced ! Your grade paper said you are lazy ! You cannot hear? To define what’s a laziness?

No, some people are actually born with it. If your vision has a problem, you don’t adopt well in life. It’s the first immediate things that affects the behavior.

How do I know that? I say I know then I know. My battery hours cannot last, in case you didn’t hear what Apple says.

You don’t trust American ? Should I say you and me has a hair color born with it problems ? You don’t trust American so you go to Europe! So ... you are not going to Dr Steven Hairfield ? Yeah, I know the hair bothers you. Or you find out everyone is betraying you out up to me showing up moment? Everything is about me?

Correct, and if the American has to evaporate the whole world so I have a room to breath, the world might already finished like you claim as a commander in chief matters!

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