

 You all can just ask me, you don’t have to tell me how the birds knows how they get sick!

錦衣之下25 it’s rotation of whom getting hurt, probably true.(since tv seen on 24)

It’s a while already, coming back on.

跟著電視一起演,根本就是 rubbish

轉送屍體 how to say that each word in English, not in the full sentence meaning.

Rotation (actors condition, including red clothing )

Sent (all around environment)

Dead (resurrect)

Body (gone)

Talking about the medicine but it’s about the Health.

二胖子 I have some weight now.


It’s not going to get the 記事簿 it’s me to go and get the medicine. They were talking about the medicine.

退婚書?簡直 rubbish saying how these pain came 生不如死 死了屍體不見,怎麼會沒有身體,可以輪轉痛痛痛,退婚?轉了一整圈的人,退一個婚?哪個?屍體不見一個呀

Pain hellish as if like dead

                                   Dead body disappear

                                        No body how can rotate to say pain

Rotate pain on TV

There is a marriage let go notice ?

That’s a round table games so which one to let go? It’s gone already !


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