
The hair and the scarf on the face ...

 You want to know something, I just gonna tell you straight. 

Heaven is very clearly exactly just like the Book read by everyone. Most people not sure about that. To me, that’s very certain. You want to 挑撥離間  to see if you can own a seat among the human.

I just gonna tell you straight.


They find out what I said to them about the Review is harder than they thought. I teach you the same things, everyone hear. The word, the mind, the speech, like Elsa build the castle! They assume it looks like that. They don’t know the fact if it’s like that.

They are not ET made movies?

You are too young to talk about the ET.

You mean the US lies?

Didn’t you hear what I say to you ? You do not know a thing on your mind. You let the US to deal with the lies!!

Where does the movie comes from? From the government.

So they lie?

You cannot putting each other’s to doubt and break apart between nations cannot you? You should read this one more time clearly. 

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