
Long long long time ago, there is a bookstore name called 何嘉仁 they sell books, decoration beautiful stuffs today they don’t sell any,one, music box, crystal glass, scientific rotation magnets …glittering lights in the glass panels have all kinds of interests things to look. There are self-improvement books. Today they known in the US ETR and Eben business.

 何嘉仁 is the same Corperation they have ENglish Boston tours, i met Henry, Elizabeth, and Monica. There are others like older who, look after the tour groups us, but it’s Jason, Henry, Eric and Vicky, Sofia with others we hang out, that’s 2 girls from my same school. They are just still the same girls school. They are not volleyball teams. It’s funny, you tour in the summer but when returning to the school….these people are not radiant anymore like they are outside school, outside their family ….

You know my high school 中山女中 it’s 25 classes, not change classmates for that one year. I forget the last year if we’re the same in previous year. So…that 2 girls in my same school, one plays volleyball, one doesn’t. 

In my school, it’s a league, a class to be on the field every ten minutes break +20 mins break. 

We have a custom. It’s …go on the field not wearing the uniform, we wear sport ware.

Well…I would never really comment in those things, but it’s in the eyes.

We have basketball team, the captain or one of them was my classmate. Basketball and volleyball team are like me and Yeth. We owns just about our exclusive right, the Gym or the field, that’s why we know each other. We seen each other. In that school. There is also playing guns groups but they go by manner, height and grades. Volleyball…they have no limits to the sky !! I can be anything I want.

I am telling you real thing.

It’s to sunk in life that school.

You hear me, Wing?

Never mind, that school is to sunk it to the Buttom of sea to have …all that students never study on the fields to say league.

Bsbaji: for real, Eben?

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