
Volleyball team has a court has a basket full of volleyball. Touch it feel it scared, Wing? You have to move that from the inside swimming pool to the court. There will be years younger than me. If I train them, as a coach, it’s one basket of that, to one lines of them …

 You don’t know what I am talking about …

Going on the field

Train others

Touch the equipment 

When I was being trained, that was 10th year for orientation table. We had a man coach and lots of big, captain and vice captains training us. But actually the volleyball team were so small really. One of them big is your birthday, Wing. 

When you see big 學姐 , they can really play, they are volleyball team. 

We have that relationship to the big or little 學姐學妹

That’s not in the States.

You know Jonas? Justin? Eric? The Honor class? Brian ?

Babaji: yeah 

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