
Wing, you never interest how to go on a field ? 3 years 25 classes each year, it’s just that area everyone gathered. It’s big events every day. Every single day, go on the field. That much people, some swipe the floor, some just take one side of the volleyball court including the basketball team.

 I say my case because they beat me up if I don’t talk about my high school.

You have a high school ?

I went to Mucrary high school. Know Adam there. Adam is their height. No sports.

We have more sports in my school. The basketball team actually, after I return from the US to Taiwan, they were more binding ? I cannot remember which year. 

You go on a field but I was already in the team, everyone knows everyone around. Do they look at our style I don’t know, but people really play on the fields as groups, as new people meeting, as a serious tricks everyone does in front of everyone else. The basketball them, does those tricks all the time…everyone is different on the field, not to drop it ever…I used to tell Valley, I have a video made in 2014

I wear skirts….

Babaji: yeah

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