
Are you sure, anyone sure Indian 500 years old really dead not reading these types of crying little books? Like no Chinese monks leek to tell I dian to tell Swami order ? The clerk they suppose to be dead …愛哭學妹

 Wing, do you talk to Dr T on comic books Anna I selected ?

We had only few books if they got translation you read in English your parents read Chinese ?

你家長看中文漫畫?愛哭學妹,印度五百歲死了沒?中國和尚告訴印度告訴 Swami Order -他們可能根本不知道書的存在

It’s very likely they never read a book like mine selection like this ….

Babaji: are they dead yet like you plan? They can see it inside book what did you do?

I didn’t do anything …

Babaji: yeah?

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