
汪星 probably has a lot of her age friends in la school, in Hong Kong too. She is Tina’s age. If you just make friends. 她台灣來的住在香港,提那小學同學移民澳洲

 She grew up in Australia. The girl I am keep telling Elon Musk guys. Wing, you cannot hide behind me when I talk to these big guys including Eben. If they are not threatening, they never made it today within the US and international. I know you say they got set up and facilitate ….well, Wing, there is a lot of times trust what you see than hearing rumors. Believing there is a grade report to start with. It is … my life to become like that but not everyone else life. 

Your parents talk to you yet? Every day ? Like Ola’s parents talking her to Dr T and you ? No more Dr T? He is for sure Washington DC Japanese ? Did you see him graduate ? ….is that North Carolina ? There is a pharmaceutical triangle, not just wash up chemical to dump the river stream to atlantia sea …


Babaji: right

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