
Tamang hangs out with girls, not guys? Yeah he does chess…Twlight ? Why don’t you ask me Keanu Reeves hang out his gangster Motocycle and even …an entire demo business on heavy motocycle ? You mean heavy track needs a different DMV liscence ? That’s entire business, he ? Keanu loves that stuffs that much ?


No, he might really like that …heavy Motocycle stuffs to create a branding line.
Keanu making friends or Tamang making friends ??
Oh …
You know I used to never think of this school grade report and Facebook or any education sector meant to collect athletics stuffs included …they know junks to be recycle paper that I don’t. Textbooks.

When I was in the City of Hope …you know professors making friends between them too?

I was so long living I have no friends since Nick stuffs. I went to meditation for real. I talk to them in the center yes…one old lady, one my back kidney Taiwanese, lock, Hiep, Lanh, fan, 
Cindy parents has a bun to eat.
Singing choirs are not friends ? Gordon, Ming, Wei, Calvin ….. Waterloo 
They sent me email, I will forward back, is that friend ? Then it’s different name.
I don’t know them, that’s friend ?
Babaji: right, you talk to stranger.

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