
Everyone has a self esteem issues, become a focus point for others to compare …everyone is VERY competitive in life, every groups, every circle, all. 所有人都有自尊心,當變成焦點的社交圈內,被比較,每一個人都非常非常競爭幾咧,每一個團體,每一種圈子

 Try ever again, Simon 2014?

You see, when you suppose to become reliable …it means a lot to a lot of people none of that are an issue any time, any clock, any occasion, right away, Anna, up there microphone.

當人應該變成所謂『被依賴性』… 對很多人還說那些事情不再是一種問題,任何時間,任何時刻,任何場面,馬上,安娜,起來,前面麥克風

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