
⭐️There was a couple both are breatharian, and she had a baby. Long time ago. ⭐️

 They are very very mild people. Not USA.

…. ….people like certain circle all know what US medical board or pharmecutucal does, Ola. A lot of alternative health people all know. All know !

So let’s say just breatharian because define they say by period, I do on purpose and still disappear, that’s a very bad news for them, all. I might not be liquidarian they mean it. They are a lot of guys! In that field. 

People see each other might just hear about their name. We don’t speak the same language. 

Certain type of people. They are public speakers. I am not. Ola.

They cannot talk to you all, because …

There is a lot of bad conflicts between all groups of people all the time !

But they all know fitness, it’s on TV.

Babaji: right 

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