
看完了=finish watching. Prince William, you know Pourquoi ? Cette? 10? 1, 12? Roman Catholic is Ola her religion with the ceremony. I didn’t remember there was a ceremony when she was a baby ? I remember,ber what I look like?

 Roman Catholic, Prince William


My face !

By the way, your grand mom cares that stuffs? 5 major religion? Like your dad, Prince Charles.

You know, if they die, you only got your birth brother that one left …you need him to be alive or someone you don’t look like one solo. 

Well, you have to train people to be exactly you want, taught them right or wrong, sit down and talk.

Babaji: right.

I seen you speak French a little bit on stage, Middleton speaks French?

You got 3 kids, if every weekend you put an orchestra in your mansion….my cousin’s father military has a volunteer job …funny, it’s a hospital webpage all the way….music. It’s not orchestra.

You can afford orchestra. You can afford a lot of things, Prince William, like Simon Cowell.

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