
34:26 清海無上師你的弱點是? your weakness SMCH is illusion him, Dr Gabriel ? 1943?

 You SMCH wish me to do what, a step by step procedure ?

Getting a 卜元鼎

What’s that ?

Tie him up, inquisitive to him, make him fear?

Your name is 無, everyone knows why I target you…he knows that, you believe?

Okay, your wish he got tight up 


Your Master and he together fall off cliff, you jump together ?


少了一位= missing one seat.

To enter the illusion ?

You call that as an illusion, blood test, unmoved ?

What’s a blood drop unmoved means ?

Outside snowing like your mood

Inside you are serene !!! I understand !

Babaji: there is a lot of meaning you know.

卜元鼎 is a medicine equipment, to make medicine.

His medicine in 我家小妹片尾曲(the ending song )

I say psycho Tamang,

Psycho mansion.

You want your Master and Dr Gabriel thinking you are serene ?

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