
Finish 看完了 who is this twin looking guests lists ? ( you all have to report to French Police, I did call them, SMCH 清海無上師)

 No, exact face on TV.

Invited by Prince William, and Pope invited himself there. Do they …train younger ? That’s a big guest lists.

That word no matter is or not = 鴻門宴 (是或是不是)

It’s very important to all Art War Lords?

War strategic defense counsel.

… …

To continue reporting …French Police

She is the killer.

We imply before.

Her master keep relenting in the future…do you think this look great ? 你覺得這樣很好看嗎?

2 lineage holders show up …兩個掌門人出現

If she sees whom she will kill in the future ? Novel, ever hear that rumors?

如果她看到誰都想殺?小說, 聽說過有那種情節嗎?

Did she hate 2 Prince? 她恨英國兩個王子?

She finally realize to pass the item to next successor ? She borrow ? Karma with it? This is very very bad, in this one life she guarantee. 她終於把那樣東西給下一個繼承者?她借來的?業障跟著?這很糟糕, 這輩子一生她保證的所有業障

In the future 




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