
SMTV meditate A LOT, that’s why I never end up in your group. I cannot make it. The center they have an overnight retreat, I know I don’t make it, I always go to sleep if I travel far before meeting Nick.

 I went to NJ master house. And New York has no center location. It’s their home or school. I went to Taiwan retreat, Thailand hotel, Menton two times...she says she has a vegan hotel Austria. She has a ying ying or light light food ? It is a loving food, in US is eco-vegan. I call them to ship me stuff because my landlady has zero things in the freezer. 

You make bread? Cooking?

Climate change ?

She always say things on the TV on her own account description....

You cannot conversation her but Yogananda ?

Oh, she will listen. She trains 子歇 they were early disciples I told behind we ready to bury in the grave. 

... ... I was sorting years time on flower Thiusand bones. Funeral homes. Yeah, I did a lot of things to get ready because they have zero money to die on the street. 


You new ABC or I don’t see all your face anymore?

You miss being groups together to look decent and nice on the TV?


Nice voice, nice dinner, nice phone call ?

Is not that?

If I just ask you very basic very basic question you cannot find me an answer ....I assume I have an assumption ?

I have to do ALL that in front of Eben and whom he found his friends groups before I talk to him ever happen?

Really liquidarian 

Really sawing cloth ?

Oh, drink I was too exhausted without. Sawing ...I cannot explain it.. just do it. No ideas why.

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