
This is not you ? I can search out of YouTube if others cannot ...


She is always like that, she is your Masters. No, not this kind of group activities...she speaks English not my English. 
You all college graduate 8 years ago + another 8 years ago? So it’s all free SMTV your parents let you? Yeah, my mother ....well, I was in the US, she had no saying. I went in myself. 
Your parents made you in SMTV? ABC?
No, I am not in SMTV. I went outside 自理門戶= like I set up a new cult in ancient Chinese words means. 

You want her to take you all for a group activities ? 
I am not deaf.
You were much younger ...so what you were all studying in the university in US or Europe? Is her ex husband still alive to see Europe? He was the 3rd of that 10. They come in as a pair.

We might be same ages? I am very old now to do this 8 years after another 8 years, that’s 16 years. 
We had a Calvin younger age at Toronto center. I have no idea what he does neither. You all just eat, sleep, work SMTV?

I actually have to solve crisis...it’s not a real playing things like with Russians stuffs? I had to dialogue as so and so. You guys are living in paradise ...

I heard you all eating less...

Babaji: yeah, right.
I heard you SMTV went somewhere it’s not loving hut
A store that steal my credit card right in my parking lot card 4 emails. Next by that egg diary restaurant vegetarian.

I was working ...very hard.

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