
No, you don’t remember we were doing indoor things with Eben, then I go out? There is procedure doing this …a video or a news show up, there is on special. You have to find it on map with the subway…I had a lot of stress in this city, you have no ideas how bad in my position …flip, fleet every night my traffic light here in one straight road like 4 or 5? You see all red? You ride across the traffic light top light?

 Of course not ….

They are renovate that mall…I take one stop earlier …so I walk underground to a eat shop, order a thing, telling them something I head that way.

There are stuffs to buy, to get a recipe to go out, and ask a free biggest bag to contain one of this, by “draw” in the big box. There is a photo machine next by, I pick 500 years old in the photo frame. 

Babaji: yeah, Tesla guy

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