
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️After Pang Jao grows taller + older, we are not 3 homes at all. We used to be younger to play piano is the common instrument. Tina has a music elementary school, transfer away from Australian her 汪星 Elon Musk profile? Tina went to my private middle school but her exams are very bad so the only choices left is getting in Mysic high school by all kinds of examinations including piano + flute, my is cello, Pang is violin. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Tina used to chase or Jason Kuo chase her both in Taipei station with out without Vicky (W two World, City of Hope, Dr Bing Shen knew cram school is popular girls boys chasing bus to hit each other sex in hotel to make a restaurant now, there, I see, told no one, bleed.)

It’s a remembrance of high school. She chose to ruined it. And be display on map, to go working zen chef….

You all girls wish your parents to find you Karen Makar, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei name on maps, just walking by. They are hiring or no hiring? Counting days down without telling you? 

Yeah, Tina is a dangerous sibling.

So many things to see …

I see.

Babaji: right 

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