
You want to control me to control Eben, okay, Lalla and his kid

 No, I don’t mind he giving her and the kids money. You hurt?  No, he didn’t need to tell me what he wants to do, there is a child involved. You feel sympathy for her or the kid ? No, Eben Lalla knows he set up things for her, he was kind and wishing her make it as a love coach. Before they switch the website, she was always a love coach, I remember ...you hurt again? No, Eben knows what was her business but she didn’t need to worry about the income nor running a website with or without people. I am, on the other hands, runs my website and a YouTube channel with a constant visitor more than Lalla a lot more YouTube combine to send to my website. And I got a page doing extremely well. Not income, just statistic. Now Eben is a professional. He may not have my data on my end, but he will have Lalla’s data on his end his team doing the watching. Lalla didn’t care about it. How much is a coach charge people money for ? She can make a living ? You have to drive a traffic in or you are super famous to take over the entire niche market yourself. Oh, Eben knows that. He may not know I know what. But yeah ...that’s a coach love her site ? I didn’t know ...his kids are little older now. When he first found me, if he says to me certain things...it’s different if he says it to me now. He might say he might not say. That kid has to do something in life, if Lalla cannot get the money from Eben, Eben might set that on me, and her kids will get nothing. Lalla heard that I cannot leave. What going on her mind, no one knows. What? What do I gonna tell Eben do? I actually don’t know what he gonna do. It’s first time he raise a kid. We don’t have a kid. Tony Mimmo was not my kids.

Babaji: blah blah blah blah blah ...

The presidents ? They should be having a fight now...I don’t think...

Babaji: to go bothering them? I bothering you?

Yeah they need to work together without the skin color issues and be friends to each other because their father both are super important people and they need to bound. Friendship to see building and walk here. They might see each others the most while arriving here EVERY SINGLE DAY. Not 10 times they run that things. I lied.

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