
Taiwan is small, but Taipei is even smaller for Thano to come here, Trump knows what I am saying, probably the border won’t let but still he sits to influence.

 Yes, he can do that. He rules China from a different mean as the US president ...can it be done ? Well ... it’s not really in the present situation to say that’s passive looking. You have other presidents and friends, if they just all works together to be the neighbors of each other in this tiny house quarter they don’t ever want to live in single bed...I sleep in a single bed....you and them are not in a very clear zone and now everyone is watching. The background now all knows, it’s really not a big deal to be honest. They know where I am, we swap two side only, on the back ends can be like that. It’s just a region, you set a perimeter you don’t get out here. Like me and Eben lives with tons of Chinese from Taiwan, you and yours father with other Presidents lives on this one island. They are coming with the military jet. Back end they do traveling all the time....to be honest, they might all need to come, just when Anna get out and they come in, every thing I routine done, they as a president might have to run ten times. They walk, they run they see they creates websites. There is a big reason for that. 

Babaji: got to go?


Babaji: Eben


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