
You girls write papers? The capital Venturist will control Eben to control me to crush her? No. The US government trains them whom to become capital venture-ist. It’s not real. 3 party us know.

 They are given opportunity, once, twice, three times depends when they see it the chance that allows them to become highly skilled in the finance world. It’s the US government education department doing that. They are not born to do that themselves. Did you ever spend time training others ? Actually teaching Greeks to a hopeless state school programs family disoriented family kids? Training someone you put efforts in them, they have to like to do it, love their jobs, love their life to become like that. If you put efforts to make someone become somebody, you don’t go and destroy it to nothing. You ever want to be more than just daddy’s girls to develop someone to become successful and famous ? And be happy about it? They are Christian doing that for wishing others happy. I can do it without being a Christian, but they do it because they work it hoping the humanity will grow wiser one day, they start with one person, two people ...three people ...somebody just so dead tired..and it’s useless. 

Babaji: no, I haven’t. 

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