
When people spent money to make you a movie, you suppose to pay attention what they say

 Do you pay attention to what they the movie producer says? They don’t go to my face to say it, just a story on the screen? An ever happy ending after ? Oh do you know the guy got the quality to do that? All the guys do on purpose when they want something materially ...not the girls. Money, houses, fame...they see you success, these no voice guys will get jealous of you ...they will laugh when you fall. They are that petty mind. They were too young, too country side bound or too little education given. You suppose to observed all that when you see the movies says. People with the kids will tell you how bad are those guys like Tony. They use their life to kidnap the parents when things in life don’t go well. Tony will use 4 lifes he achieves for his father to lose me...he won. He does on purpose. They do anything to hurt you if you find a happiness. They are not worth to pursue, you suppose to let your parents know how you judge a character of someone ...to protect yourself. You have a school to go to, you have a meds school to apply. I cannot afford that much UK out state tuition, that’s how I move to UB. Then 10 years later NSYNC? You want a fate to dictate you, you want these love like my story, you suppose to make a decision easier for your parents. Tuition, house costing, not friendships binding Facebook one photo ? We are still on that One Photo the entire Hollywood working on it. One photo !

Babaji: if you knew this before ?

I would definitely just leave ...that’s horrendous. Very very bad people.

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