
⭐️⭐️⭐️Trump daughtor her him same age - Adam Taiwan YouTuber no...he is much younger ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Adam is still in the university with Hailey. No, Adam if he knew us here, someone told him Hailey, he went to tell his big family. I have seen them. No, they will tell him get rid of Hailey. And someone not sure whom will tell Hailey’s father, he wants to get rid of all of them. Adam’s father and Hailey’s father are both doctors. They look like they are real. Hailey’s father came here in Taiwan. They all came, it’s in the video you can see. He sometimes talks. They look like comfortable. Adam and Hailey did talk about their finance. No, her father knows what Hailey’s did. That’s Taiwan, not America. He knows what’s a YouTuber. That account is Hailey’s not Adam. Adam has another account. No, I am not on. I seen it. There is an environment or landscape of the “economic” things you do to brings viewers, your content. If her father reads I said what I said about Hailey before, others can see the exactly the same thing happens on the digits. It’s just the US computer or phone don’t have that unit. It’s here we have that unit digit thing. It’s one digit missing, it makes all the difference. He probably don’t say those are the stupidest things you can think of doing it. She thought people like her. I am okay with her. They speak fine Chinese. I can see where they went. They were looking for an apartment. Now they moved. If Trump daughters come in. She just tells him she is in already in Taiwan. Meaning no one finish her at the airport, she calls him. I don’t think so ...

Babaji : I don’t think so neither. 

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