
There are a lot agenda in front of us. I say, you go pick a guy

 Yes, you have a lot of agenda you see on the table. If you are free to do what you do, I say that agenda I suggest you as the Top, find a guy. They know I have no physical stsgims to kill, I can only talk to kill. These Keanu Simon Eben guys, only needs to know that a basic fact. The rest they don’t want to hear about it. If I do things because I say I do it or I just go and do it? There are lots of people only go to Keanu to talk to them. And you can be one of them. Everyone is looking for the investors. You heard that Hollywood Star is investing things on the news. They tell you each what they are interested in. I don’t care if it’s real or not real. If I bring a 4 by 4 to 3 Art, they doubts I don’t know their company name or what Keanu airs himself. They will tell you she read it from the newspaper. They don’t care what’s on that 4 by 4. They know it’s on it asking Keanu if he stills interested in it. If he answer is no, they take it as no or he lied, so they find out what’s she saying 4 by 4. To tell them the truth, I didn’t draft a word before I went to them. That girl shock me because I was looking at the room with the people are in there. That girl just say what can I do for you? I went freeze. I have no answer for her. I am looking for Keanu. He is not here, you want to leave a message? So I just say it. I didn’t prepare that. Do they assume I gonna leave dropping the things and go? They have to know what’s a 4 by 4. Maybe they have to ask the guys. They know what it is. Does she just look like she randomly say that. Of course they call Keanu to ask him. See what he says. I don’t need to know what he says. They are company people. They don’t know why she brings a 4 by 4 here? She looks like she from here? I don’t have that much of make-up...you want to know they say? The girl like her don’t stay next to the guy like Keanu? Where do they get that idea? You want them to say that? You want them to find out it’s Keanu go bugging her or you are bugging Keanu? You present yourself, they will know. They talk to each other. They can go finding out there is an audition there, call AGT have you seem something 4 by 4? That’s what she did? What does Simon say? They might fish out the entire 2013 Simon story. Yes, it could be another story if not this story I am telling you. I am telling you a process. They find our Keanu lies? He didn’t know there is a 4 by 4. But he knows whom I am. You want them to find things out behind, both Simon and Keanu wants me to stay in California. She gonna go back home? Her email is Tesla ? That means Simon is Westinghouse? There is a Howard Stern? To Simon, I lie to him, because I know there is an Edison, I was with Edison, so the 3 Art finds out whom Keanu is? Sarah Bernhardt? Does Simon knows Da Vinci? I am not told. But they did find out, they will know Keanu was a French king by the photo, it looks like. She comes here to thank Keanu for giving him a present 4 by 4. Because he used to shelter Da Vinci, to Keanu if he found out I did that, I lie to him. Not just I lie to Simon. That’s a lie to them. I never told them a straight thing, oh, they know by then, I will twist things probably if they heard the scripts I said. I don’t know what did I say? They don’t know what Tesla or Da Vinci looks like? They just never met a real person yet in their life. It’s a bomb on both of them probably. Then that’s bad very bad, they have to call everybody like the Contact says. It’s in the Hollywood. She only knows them 2. They may go to Facebook to find out my past already, and it’s? YouTube gone, Facebook gone. I am telling you a process..because it can happen to you. No, I tell them what I shown. It may not be anything like that. You know now how to write you story?

Babaji: lies lies lies.

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